I am about to deliver a baby, what should I do?

Congratulations! You've made it to the 36-week mark in your pregnancy journey, which means you're just about ready to meet your little one. As you navigate these final weeks, it's important to listen to your instincts and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so taking care of yourself and prioritizing your well-being is key as you prepare to welcome your baby into the world. Let's dive into what you can expect during the last trimester and how you can best get ready for your little bundle of joy.


Physical Changes

As you approach the end of your pregnancy, your body may start to go through some noticeable changes. You might feel more tired than usual, experience swelling in your hands and feet, and even have some Braxton Hicks contractions. It's important to listen to your body and take breaks when needed to rest and recharge.


Baby's Development

At 36 weeks, your baby is considered full-term, which means they're ready to make their grand entrance into the world. They're growing and developing rapidly, gaining weight, and fine-tuning their organs in preparation for life outside the womb.


Signs of Labor

Although every pregnancy is different, it's good to be aware of the signs that labour might be on its way:

- Regular Contractions: If you start experiencing contractions that become regular and more intense, it could be a sign that labour is imminent. Keep track of the frequency and duration of your contractions and reach out to your healthcare provider if you suspect you're in labour.

- Pelvic Pressure: Feeling pressure in your pelvis might mean that your baby's head is engaged in the pelvis, which is a sign that labour might be approaching.

- Changes in Baby's Movements: Pay attention to any changes in your baby's movements, as decreased movement could mean that they're getting ready for birth.


Preparing for Labor and Delivery

As you get ready for labor and delivery, it's a good idea to have a birth plan in place. This plan will outline your preferences for pain management, delivery methods, and postpartum care. It's also a good time to pack a hospital bag with all the essentials for both you and your baby, like comfortable clothing, toiletries, and baby necessities such as diapers and blankets.


Emotional Preparation

As your pregnancy comes to an end, it's completely normal to experience a mix of emotions, from excitement to anxiety and apprehension about becoming a parent. Just remember, you're not alone in this journey. Lean on your partner, family, and friends for support and encouragement during this time.



In these final weeks, taking care of yourself is more important than ever. Make sure to carve out time to rest and relax, do things that bring you joy, and prioritize both your physical and emotional well-being. Consider incorporating relaxation techniques like prenatal yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to help manage stress and promote relaxation.


Final Preparations

In addition to getting ready for labour and delivery, take this time to wrap up any remaining preparations for your baby's arrival. This might include setting up the nursery, washing baby clothes and blankets, and installing a car seat for the ride home from the hospital. Completing these tasks will help alleviate stress and ensure you're fully prepared for your baby's arrival.



As you navigate these final weeks, trust in your body's incredible ability to bring your baby into the world. Each contraction brings you one step closer to meeting your little one, and before you know it.